There are many causes of domestic abuse BUT this is no excuse to hurt anyone

It has been emphasised that there is a misunderstanding that having mental health problems may lead to the person being abusive but this is not the case even though some can be violent as a result of anger.

o   Mental health itself does not cause violence or aggression. Some people may hold the stereotype that people who suffer from mental health disorders may act violent towards others BUT THERE IS NO REASON WHAT SO EVER TO HURT OR ABUSE ANYONE so no one should think that it is okay that they are being hurt (

·         It has been stated that those with severe mental disorders are more at risk of being victims to domestic violence because abusers may think they can control them easier or they may think they are not as clever to be able to stop the abuse (Khalifeh & Dean, 2010).

·         There are many risk factors that can cause an individual to abuse their partner. This can be living in poverty which would cause stress and financial difficulty. In some individuals this could cause anger which could result to violence.

·         Alcohol or drug use can lead to acting violent because this could cause the person to become paranoid and lose control.

Abusers may have traits related to anti social behaviour and may think conflict can only be resolved through arguing, controlling, hitting and intimidating their partner (McDonalds, Jouriles, Rosenfield & Corbitt-Shindler, 2011). 

·         Being unemployed could also cause domestic violence because there is a lack of money which could cause conflict and family problems which results in hardship. Living in poverty is seen as one of the major risks of domestic violence as it could cause frustration (Kyu & Kanai, 2005).

Culture and social surroundings can be a risk factor for a person to abuse their partner. Such as some cultures emphasise women as lower status than men which could result in the man wanting control over her. Some things that the victim does may anger the abuser and make them hit them.                                                                                          

·         Inequalities between men and women are always being reinforced and this could make domestic violence occur. This can result in the man demanding power by being violent and getting their partner to do whatever the abuser says and wants. Some cultures even believe that if the man is beating the wife he is showing her that he loves her (McWhirter, 1999).

·         However research has shown that if the country or society does not emphasise men higher than women and they are seen as on the same level, so it is less likely that the man will beat their partner. In those countries therefore, domestic violence is less likely to occur because there are less dominating roles (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, & Perrin, 2010).

·         The abuser may have discriminatory views such as being a racist or sexist which could result in violence towards their partner HOWEVER THESE VIEWS DO NOT GIVE THEM THE RIGHT TO HIT THEIR PARTNER (

·         So it can be seen that a variety of reasons can lead to individuals hitting their partner and this is related to the external and internal forces. Internal factors such as anger inside the individual and external factors such as the emphasis in society of the dominance of men over women in cultures.

·         Poor self esteem may lead to someone hurting their partner. This runs in line with experiences especially negative ones which can make the person feel angry and lonely.

Childhood experiences can make an individual act violent towards their partner therefore surroundings make an impact on the way people act ( 2002).